Δευτέρα 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Die Welt des Orients / In the current issue of Die Welt des Orients

Die Welt des Orients 45:1 (2015)

  • Shawn Zelig Aster, "Ezekiel’s Adaptation of Mesopotamian Melammu," 10-21
  • Daniel Bodi, "The Double Current and the Tree of Healing in Ezekiel 47:1–12 in Light of Babylonian Iconography and Texts," 22-37
  • Dale Launderville, "The Threat of Syncretism to Ezekiel’s Exilic Audience in the Dry Bones Passage," 38-49
  • Jonathan Stökl, "Schoolboy Ezekiel: Remarks on the Transmission of Learning," 50-61
  • Christoph Uehlinger, "Virtual Vision vs. Actual Show: Strategies of Visualization in the Book of Ezekiel," 62-84
  • Martti Nissinen, "(How) Does the Book of Ezekiel Reveal Its Babylonian Context?," 85-98
  • Madhavi Nevader, "On Reading Ezekiel By the Rivers of Babylon," 99-110

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