Δευτέρα 31 Αυγούστου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του REE / The current issue of RRE

Religion of the Roman Empire 1:2 (2105)

  • Rubina Raja, Lara Weiss, "The Role of Objects: Meanings, Situations and Interaction," 137-147 
  • Richard Gordon, "Showing the Gods the Way: Curse-tablets as Deictic Persuasion," 148-180 (abstract)
  • Ioanna Patera, "Objects as Substitutes in Ancient Greek Ritual," 181-200 (abstract)
  • Andreas Kropp, "The Tyche of Berytus: A Phoenician Goddess on Civic Coinage," 201-218 (abstract)
  • Hallie G. Meredith, "Engaging Mourners and Maintaining Unity: Third and Fourth Century Gold-Glass Roundels from Roman Catacombs," 219-241 (abstract)
  • Alison Cooley, "Multiple Meanings in the Sanctuary of the Magna Mater at Ostia," 242-262 (abstract)
  • Drew Wilburn, "Inscribed Ostrich Eggs at Berenike and Materiality in Ritual Performance, 263-285"(abstract

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