Τετάρτη 26 Αυγούστου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JS / The current issue of JS

Journal of Semitics 24:1 (2015)

  • Jaco Gericke, "Philosophical perspectives on theological why-questions in the Hebrew Bible," 1-19 (abstract)
  • Annette Evans, "Two iconographical examples of sun-disc connections to the development of Jewish beliefs in angels," 20-35 (abstract)
  • Hans-Georg Wunch, "Ruth, a proselyte par excellence - exegetical and structural observations," 36-64 (abstract)
  • Joseph Jacobus De Bruyn, "Constructing a living deity - framing the god of Israel in the stories of Daniel and Bel and the dragon," 65-92 (abstract)
  • Anne Marie Smith, "The Ashkelon dog cemetery conundrum," 93-108 (abstract)
  • Susandra J. Van Wyk, "The concealed crime of the nadītu priestess in §110 of the laws of Hammurabi," 109-145 (abstract)
  • Casper Greeff,  "The significance of palaeodontology in revealing the palaeodemography of ancient Egypt," 146-168 (abstract)
  • Pieter Van der Zwan, "Bedeutungen und Bilder der Gebärmutter in der Hebräischen Bibel," 169-197 (abstract)
  • Evangelia G. Dafni, "Collective guilt and self-sacrifice in Sophocles' Antigone and in II & IV Maccabees - preliminary cultural-critical remarks : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 198-215 (abstract)
  • Johann Cook, "The intention, genre, dating and provenance of 2 and 4 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 216-236 (abstract)
  • Cynthia L. Miller-Naude / Naude, Jacobus A., "The metatexts of 1 and 2 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 237-270 (abstract)
  • Gert J. Steyn, "The Maccabean literature and Hebrews : some intertextual observations : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 271-291 (abstract)
  • Gerhard Swart,  "Words of wisdom, words of war : a study of terms and concepts in IV Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 292-306 (abstract)
  • Paul B. Decock, "Virtue and philosophy in 4 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 307-324 (abstract)
  • Gideon R. Kotze, "Lion imagery in 1 Maccabees 3:4 : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 326-351 (abstract)
  • Pierre J. Jordaan, "The temple in 2 Maccabees - dynamics and episodes : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 352-365 (abstract)
  • Eugene Coetzer, "A rhetorical analysis of the first prefixed letter (1:1-1:10a) in 2 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 366-380 (abstract)
  • Michael Tilly, "Use and function of metaphorical discourse in 1 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 381-399 (abstract)

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