Τετάρτη 8 Ιουλίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BiblInt / The current issue of BiblInt

Biblical Interpretation 23:3 (2015)

  • Daniel Pioske, "Retracing a Remembered Past: Methodological Remarks on Memory, History, and the Hebrew Bible," 291-315 (abstract)
  • Nathan Dwight Frank, "Recrafting Israel: Toward an Ethnotechnical Conception of the Nation," 316-339 (abstract)
  • Greg Schmidt Goering, "Intersecting Identities and Persuasive Speech: The Cases of Judah and Esther," 340-368 (abstract)
  • Timothy Stanley, "The Early Codex Book: Recovering Its Cosmopolitan Consequences," 369-398 (abstract)
  • Luis Menéndez-Antuña, "Is There a Room for Queer Desires in the House of Biblical Scholarship?
 A Methodological Reflection on Queer Desires in the Context of Contemporary New Testament Studies," 399-427 (abstract)
  • Frederick S. Tappenden, "Embodiment, Folk Dualism, and the Convergence of Cosmology and Anthropology in Paul’s Resurrection Ideals
," 428-455 (abstract)

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