Σάββατο 16 Μαΐου 2015

RBL 15.5.2015

John Ashton, The Gospel of John and Christian Origins
Reviewed by Seth Pollinger

Cornelis Bennema, A Theory of Character in New Testament Narrative
Reviewed by Alicia D. Myers

David G. Burke, Philip H. Towner, and John F. Kutsko, eds., The King James Version at 400: Assessing Its Genius as Bible Translation and Its Literary Influence
Reviewed by Brian Hartley

Josef Forsling, Composite Artistry in the Book of Numbers: A Study in Biblical Narrative Conventions
Reviewed by Benjamin D. Giffone

Robert W. Funk, A Beginning-Intermediate Grammar of Hellenistic Greek
Reviewed by James W. Voelz

Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs, eds., All Things to All Cultures: Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans
Reviewed by Andrew Spurgeon

Felipe de Jesús Legarreta-Castillo, The Figure of Adam in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15: The New Creation and Its Ethical and Social Reconfiguration
Reviewed by John Anthony Dunne

Boris Paschke,  Particularism and Universalism in the Sermon on the Mount: A Narrative-Critical Analysis of Matthew 5-7 in the Light of Matthew's View on Mission
Reviewed by Jeannine K. Brown

Michael L. Satlow, How the Bible Became Holy
Reviewed by Chad Spigel

Jay Twomey, 2 Corinthians: Crisis and Conflict
Reviewed by Adam White

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