Σάββατο 2 Μαΐου 2015

RBL 1.5.2015

Francis Borchardt, The Torah in 1Maccabees: A Literary Critical Approach to the Text
Reviewed by Thomas Hieke

Cilliers Breytenbach and Jörg Frey, eds., Reflections on the Early Christian History of Religion—Erwägungen zur frühchristlichen Religionsgeschichte
Reviewed by Thomas J. Kraus

Walter Dietrich, Die Samuelbücher im deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk: Studien zu den Geschichtsüberlieferungen des Alten Testaments II
Reviewed by Mark W. Hamilton

James D. G. Dunn, The Oral Gospel Tradition
Reviewed by David B. Sloan

Paul S. Evans and Tyler F. Williams, eds., Chronicling the Chronicler: The Book of Chronicles and Early Second Temple Historiography
Reviewed by Michael D. Matlock

Katharina Galor and Hanswulf Bloedhorn, The Archaeology of Jerusalem: From the Origins to the Ottomans
Reviewed by Aren M. Maeir

Moshe Garsiel, From Earth to Heaven: A Literary Study of the Eliijah Stories in the Book of Kings
Reviewed by Keith Bodner
Reviewed by David A. Glatt-Gilad

Alison Ruth Gray, Psalm 18 in Words and Pictures: A Reading through Metaphor
Reviewed by Leslie C. Allen

Mignon R. Jacobs and Raymond F. Person Jr., eds., Israelite Prophecy and the Deuteronomistic History: Portrait, Reality, and the Formation of a History
Reviewed by James M. Bos
Reviewed by Thomas Wagner

Ronald Jolliffe, Gertraud Harb, Christoph Heil, Anneliese Felber, and Angelika Magnes, Q11: 39a, 42, 39b, 41, 43-44: Woes against the Pharisees
Reviewed by Peter J. Judge

W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Creation Myths
Reviewed by Michael S. Moore

Daniel C. Matt, trans., The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume 6
Reviewed by Ralph K. Hawkins

Abera M. Mengestu, God as Father in Paul: Kingship Language and Identity Formation in Early Christianity
Reviewed by Inhee C. Berg

Anthony M. Moore, Signs of Salvation: The Theme of Creation in John’s Gospel
Reviewed by Brian J. Tabb

Valérie Nicolet-Anderson, Constructing the Self: Thinking with Paul and Michel Foucault
Reviewed by Chris L. de Wet

Vernon K. Robbins, Who Do People Say I Am? Rewriting Gospel in Emerging Christianity
Reviewed by Michael J. Kok

David S. Vanderhooft and Abraham Winitzer, eds., Literature as Politics, Politics as Literature: Essays on the Ancient Near East in Honor of Peter Machinist
Reviewed by Shawn W. Flynn

Ryan Donald Wettlaufer, No Longer Written: The Use of Conjectural Emendation in the Restoration of the Text of the New Testament, the Epistle of James as a Case Study
Reviewed by Jeff Cate

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