Παρασκευή 29 Μαΐου 2015

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του CTR / In the current issue of CTR

Criswell Theological Review 12:2 (2015)

  • Andrew D. Clarke, "The Source and Scope of Paul's Apostolic Authority," 3-22
  • Victor Copan, "Creational Allusions in Romans 8:18-27 and Their Interpretive Significance for Understanding Predestination Language in 8:28-33," 23-46
  • Gerald L. Stevens, "The Righteousness of God: Frontiers of Pauline Research," 47-70 
  • Rodney Reeves, "The New Moses of the Law of Christ:  Paul in Galatians," 71-82
  • Matthew Y. Emerson, "Paul's Eschatological Outlook in the Pastoral Epistles," 83-98
  • Tom Holland, "N.T. Wright and the Identity of Saul of Tarsus," 99-118
  • Jarvis J. Williams, "Violent Ethno-Racial Reconciliation: A Mystery in Ephesians and Its Jewish Martyrological Background," 119-134
  • Wayne A. Brindle, "Prepared by Whom? Reprobation and Non-Calvinist Interpretations of Romans 9:22," 135-146

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