Σάββατο 30 Μαΐου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BBR / The current issue of BBR

Bulletin of Biblical Research 25:2 (2015)

  • Nathan Chambers, "Confirming Joshua as the Interpreter of Israel’s Tôrāh:The Narrative Role of Joshua 8:30–35," 141-154 
  • Christopher Jero, "Mother-Child Narratives and the Kingdom of God:Authorial Use of Typology as an Interpretive Device in Samuel–Kings," 155-171 
  • Nissim Amzallag, "Psalm 67 and the Cosmopolite Musical Worship of Yhwh," 171-188
  • Nicholas G. Piotrowski, "'After the Deportation': Observations in Matthew’s Apocalyptic Genealogy," 189-204
  • Mark S. Gignilliat, "Isaiah’s Offspring: Paul’s Isaiah 54:1 Quotation in Galatians 4:27," 205-224

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