Τετάρτη 8 Απριλίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSHJ / The current issue of JSHJ

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 12:3 (2014)
  • Franco Fabbro, "The Benefit of Expanding the Cultural, Scientific and Religious Frontiers of Historical Jesus Research: A Review of Rinaldo Fabris’s Gesù il ‘Nazareno’: Indagine storica," 189-206  (abstract)
  • Rinaldo Fabris, "A Reply to Franco Fabbro, ‘The Benefit of Expanding the Cultural, Scientific Religious and Frontiers of Historical Jesus Research: A Review of Rinaldo Fabris’s Gesù il “Nazareno”: Indagine storica'," 207-223 (abstract)
  • Rafael Rodríguez, "Jesus as his Friends Remembered Him: A Review of Dale Allison’s Constructing Jesus," 224-244 (abstract)
  • Dale C. Allison, "Response to Rafael Rodríguez, ‘Jesus as his Friends Remembered Him: A Review of Dale Allison’s Constructing Jesus’," 245-254 (abstract)

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