Τετάρτη 8 Απριλίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BiblInt / The current issue of BiblInt

Biblical Interpretation 23:2 (2015)
  • Stephen L. Young, "Maximizing Literacy as a Protective Strategy
: Redescribing Evangelical Inerrantist Scholarship on Israelite Literacy
," 145-173 (abstract)
  • Julie Faith Parker, "Re-membering the Dismembered: Piecing Together Meaning from Stories of Women and Body Parts in Ancient Near Eastern Literature," 147-190 (abstract)
  • Frauke Uhlenbruch, "Reconstructing Realities from Biblical Utopias: Alien Readers and Dystopian Potentials
," 191-206 (abstract)
  • Nicole Tilford, "The Affective Eye: Re-Examining a Biblical Idiom
," 207-221 (abstract)
  • Gregory L. Cuéllar, "J. Severino Croatto’s Rereading of Empire in 
Isaiah 47," 222-247 (abstract)
  • Samuel Tongue, "‘What is Language but a Sound We Christen?’ Poetic Retellings as an Improper Surprise for Biblical Reception History
," 248-271 (abstract)

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