Πέμπτη 19 Μαρτίου 2015

To τρέχον τεύχος του Neot / The current issue of Neot

Neotestamentica 48:2 (2014)

  • Maarman S. Tshehla, "Africa, where art thou? Pondering post-apartheid South African New Testament scholarship," 259-281 (abstract)
  • Dirk J. Venter, "The implicit obligations of brothers, debtors and sons (Romans 8:12-17)," 283-302 (abstract)
  • Jeremy Punt, "Writing genealogies, constructing men : masculinity and lineage in the New Testament in Roman times," 303-323 (abstract)
  • Daniel N. Gullotta, "Among Dogs and Disciples : an examination of the story of the Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28) and the question of the gentile mission within the Matthean community,"  325-340 (abstract)
  • Wally V. Cirafesi, "The 'Johannine Community' in (more) current research : a critical appraisal of recent methods and models," 341-364 (abstract)
  • Frank England, "Credo ut intelligam : irony in John 9," 365-385 (abstract)
  • Pieter F. Craffert, "Heavenly journeys as neurocultural experiences : social-scientific interpretation as a challenge for traditional scholarship?," 387-403 (abstract)
  • David M. Heath, "The problem of peak in Hebrews," 405-416 (abstract)
  • Timothy L. Decker, "'Live long in the land' : the covenantal character of the Old Testament allusions in the message to Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22)," 417-446 (abstract)
  • Ernst R. Wendland, "The hermeneutical significance of literary structure in Revelation," 447-476 (abstract)

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