Τετάρτη 25 Μαρτίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NT / The current issue of NT

Novum Testamentum 57:2 (2015)

  • Richard Bauckham, "Further Thoughts on the Migdal Synagogue Stone," 113-135 (abstract)
  • Rikard Roitto, "The Polyvalence of ἀφίημι and the Two Cognitive Frames of Forgiveness in the Synoptic Gospels," 136-158 (abstract)
  • Eckhard J. Schnabel, "Repentance in Paul’s Letters," 159-186 (abstract)
  • Timothy Luckritz Marquis, "Perfection Perfected: The Stoic 'Self-Eluding Sage' and Moral Progress in Hebrews," 187-205 (abstract)
  • Tommy Wasserman, "The Coherence Based Genealogical Method as a Tool for Explaining Textual Changes in the Greek New Testament," 206-218 (abstract)

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