Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2015

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 134:1 (2015)

  • Fernando F. Segovia, "Criticism in Critical Times: Reflections on Vision and Task," 6-29 (abstract)
  • Duane E. Smith, "The Divining Snake: Reading Genesis 3 in the Context of Mesopotamian Ophiomancy," 31-49 (abstract)
  • David E. S. Stein, "A Rejoinder concerning Genesis 3:6 and the NJPS Translation," 51-52 (abstract)
  • Murray H. Lichtenstein, "The Fearsome Sword of Genesis 3:24," 53-57 (abstract)
  • Kerry D. Lee, "Two Translations of HSS V 67 and Their Significance for Genesis 16, 21, and 30," 59-63 (abstract)
  • Ken Brown, "Vengeance and Vindication in Numbers 31," 65-84 (abstract)
  • Orly Keren / Hagit Taragan, "Merab, Saul's Mute and Muffled Daughter," 85-103 (abstract)
  • Joshua Berman, "The Legal Blend in Biblical Narrative (Joshua 20:1–9, Judges 6:25–31, 1 Samuel 15:2, 28:3–25, 2 Kings 4:1–7, Jeremiah 34:12–17, Nehemiah 5:1–12)," 105-125 (abstract)
  • John B. Whitley, "עיפה in Amos 4:13: New Evidence for the Yahwistic Incorporation of Ancient Near Eastern Solar Imagery," 127-138 (abstract)
  • Warren Carter, "Cross-Gendered Romans and Mark's Jesus: Legion Enters the Pigs (Mark 5:1–20)," 139-155 (abstract)
  • David Lertis Matson, "Pacifist Jesus? The (Mis)Translation of ἐᾶτε ἓως τούτου in Luke 22:51," 157-176 (abstract)
  • Daniel Lynwood Smith, "Interrupted Speech in Luke-Acts,"177-191 (abstract)
  • Ryan S. Schellenberg, "The First Pauline Chronologist? Paul's Itinerary in the Letters and in Acts," 193-213 (abstract)
  • Jennifer A. Glancy, "The Sexual Use of Slaves: A Response to Kyle Harper on Jewish and Christian Porneia," 215-229 (abstract)

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