Δευτέρα 16 Μαρτίου 2015

CFP: Tyndale NT Study Group 2015

The Tyndale New Testament Study Group is part of the Tyndale Fellowship for biblical and theological research, based at Tyndale House in Cambridge, and including evangelical scholars from all over the world. I have just taken over from John Nolland of Trinity Bristol as Chair of the group.

This year’s NT Study Group will be meeting on 8th to 10th July in Cambridge and will be focussing on the letter of James. We will have have papers from Professor Roland Deines (Nottingham) and Professor Richard Bauckham (St Andrews and Cambridge), but we are also interested in other offers of papers on any aspect of the text, context or theology of James.

One session will also be given to a range of other issues, and we hope to include a lecture from Professor Gary Habermas on an aspect of the Resurrection. Again, offers of further papers in any area of NT studies are welcome.

The study group is a great opportunity to engage with the best of evangelical scholarship, and to meet other scholars from around the world. My hope is that the group will develop further as a key support network for evangelical scholars over the next five year.

If you would like to offer a paper, either on the letter of James, or on another area of NT study, please send a proposal (of not more than 300 words) to the group’s Secretary, Dr Sarah Whittle swhittle@nazarene.ac.uk by April 16th 2015

The full programme will be published in April on the Tyndale Fellowship website.

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