Δευτέρα 30 Μαρτίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BN / The current issue of BN

Biblische Notizen 164 (2015)

  • Jeremy Corley, "Elements of Jewish Identity in Ben Sira," 3-19
  • James K. Aitken, "Why is the Giraffe Kosher? Exoticism in Dietary Laws of the Second Temple Period," 21-34
  • Kristin De Troyer, "'A Man Leaves his Own Father …' – On Relationships in 1 Esdras," 35-50
  • Núria Calduch-Benages, "The Name of the Beloved City in Baruch 4:5-5:9," 51-64
  • Friedrich V. Reiterer, "'In Fact his Life is Unlike that of Others' (Wisd 2:15). Retaining Identity in a Context of Social Diversity," 65-85
  • Renate Egger-Wenzel, "Acceptance into the Jewish Community in the Book of Tobit: Conversion and Circumcision," 87-113
  • Stefan C. Reif, "On Some Issues of Identity Facing the Early Rabbi," 115-130

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