Σάββατο 14 Μαρτίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του The Bible Translator / The current issue of The Bible Translator

The Bible Translator 65:3 (2014)

SBL Papers 

  • Janet Dyk / Lénart J. de Regt / Bryan Harmelink, "Deportation or Forgiveness in Hosea 1.6? Verb Valence Patterns and Translation Proposals, " 235-279 (abstract)
  • Dane Leitch, "Redeeming Peninnah: A Freeing Translation of צרתה in 1 Samuel 1.6," 280-291 (abstract)
  • Eric J. Tully, "Translation Universals and Polygenesis: Implications for Textual Criticism," 292-307 (abstract)
  • Nathan Esala, "Measuring the Adequacy of the Host Text Using Skopostheorie in Bible Translation: The Ethics of Operational Transparency," 308-336 (abstract)

Practical Papers

  • Don Slager, "How Many Idols Did Micah Have? (Judges 17.1–18.31)," 337-348 (abstract)
  • David J. Clark, "A Small Translation Mystery," 349-352 (abstract)
  • Riikka Halme-Berneking, "Helping Bible Translators Recognize Linguistic Interference between Angolan Bantu Languages and Portuguese," 353-368 (abstract)

Technical Papers

  • John David Punch, "Σκύβαλα Happens: Edification from a Four-Letter Word in the Word of God?," 369-384 (abstract)

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