Παρασκευή 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSPL / The current issue of JSPL

Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 4:2 (2014)

  • J. J. Johnson Leese, "Christ as Creator: Implications for Ecotheological Readings of Paul," 111-128
  • Matthew S. Harmon, "Letter Carriers and Paul's Use of Scripture," 129-148
  • John C. Poirier, "Psalm 16:10 and the Resurrection of Jesus"on the Third Day" (1 Corinthians 15:4)," 149-168
  • Paavo Tucker, "Reconsidering Βελιάρ: 2 Corinthians 6:15 in Its Anti-imperial Jewish Apocalyptic Context," 169-186
  • Douglas A. Campbell, "Beyond the Torah at Antioch: The Probable Locus for Paul's Radical Transition," 187-214
  • Wesley Crouser, "Satan, the Serpent, and Witchcraft Accusations: Reading Romans 16:17–20a in Light of Allusions and Anthropology," 215-234
  • Adam Copenhaver, "Echoes of a Hymn in a Letter of Paul: The Rhetorical Function of the Christ-Hymn in the Letter to the Colossians," 235-256

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