Πέμπτη 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Journal of Semitics / In the current issue of the Journal of Semitics

Journal of Semitics 23:2 (2014)
  • Temba Rugwiji, "The salvific task of the suffering servant in Isaiah 42:1-7 : a contemporary perspective," 289-314 (abstract)
  • Wilhelm J. Wessels, "Leadership in times of crisis : Nahum as master of language and imagery," 315-338 (abstract)
  • Lee Roy Martin, "Rhetorical criticism and the affective dimension of the biblical text," 339-353 (abstract)
  • Blessing Onoriode Boloje / Alphonso Groenewald, "Malachi's vision of the temple : an emblem of eschatological hope (Malachi 3:1-5) and an economic centre of the community (Malachi 3:10-12)," 354-381 (abstract)
  • Joseph Jacobus De Bruyn, "Constructing a deceitful deity - the disempowerment of Bel - Bel and the dragon, verses 1-22 (OG/Th)," 382-403 (abstract)
  • Aron Pinker, "On the meaning of Job 26:9," 404-422 (abstract)
  • Bruk Ayele Asale, "The legacy of 1 Enoch on Ethiopian literature,"423-442 (abstract)
  • Susandra J. Van Wyk, "Lost in translation : present-day terms in the maintenance texts of the nadiātu from old Babylonian Nippur," 443-483 (abstract)
  • Joshua Joel Spoelstra, "Hebrew הבח : a kompositions- und redaktionsgeschichte," 484-499 (abstract)
  • David Tuesday Adamo, "Reading Jeremiah 13:23 in an African context," 500-530 (abstract)
  • V. Christides, "The sources of Cosmas Indicopleustes' miniatures of animals : the case of the 'unicorn'," 531-546 (abstract)
  • Willie Van Heerden, "Dealing with the history-nature dualism in ecological theology," 547-568 (abstract)
  • Ber Kotlerman, "South African writings of Morris Hoffman : between Yiddish and Hebrew," 569-582 (abstract)
  • Jaco Gericke, "Is there philosophy in the Hebrew Bible? Some recent affirmative perspectives," 583-598 (abstract)
  • Cynthia L. Miller-Naude / Jacobus A, Naude, "Incorporating ancient Israel's worldview into the teaching of Biblical Hebrew," 599-614 (abstract)  
  • Harry Van Rooy, "The use of interrogatives in the book of Ezekiel and their translation in the ancient versions," 615-632 (abstract)
  • Kevin Chau, "Metaphor's forgotten brother : a survey of metonymy in Biblical Hebrew poetry," 633-652 (abstract)
  • Boaz Zissu / Omri Abadi, "Paleo-Hebrew script in Jerusalem and Judea from the second century B.C.E. through the second century C.E. : a reconsideration," 653-664 (abstract)

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