Τετάρτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Henoch /In the current issue of Henoch

Henoch 36:2 (2014)

Editorial / Editoriale (Maria Luisa Russo)................................................... 163

Archives of the Orient. Selected Papers from the International Conference on
Paul Ernst Kahle (Turin, April 10-11, 2014)
Bruno Chiesa, Paul Kahle and the Hebrew Bible.......................................... 167
Geoffrey Khan, Paul Kahle and the Cairo Genizah Manuscripts................ 177
Corrado Martone, Forgotten Legacy. A Reassessment of Paul Kahle’s
views on the Dead Sea Scrolls.......................................................................... 188
Andrea Ravasco, Paul Kahle as a Septuagint Scholar................................. 198
Alessandro Mengozzi, “Das zur Zeit Jesu in Palästina gesprochene
Aramäisch” by Paul Kahle. Research on Aramaic, Then and Today............... 208
Elvira Martín-Contreras, Building Research Projects. The Correspondence
between Paul E. Kahle and Federico Pérez Castro kept at the Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (csic)................................................. 222
Bruno Chiesa, Paul Kahle and Some of His Jewish Pupils........................... 231
Thomas Beck er - Wilhelm Bleek, Paul Kahle and the University of Bonn. 238
Hyder Abbas, Scholar and Collector. Paul Kahle and Chester Beatty in the
Chester Beatty Library Archives...................................................................... 248
Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti, La missione a Düsseldorf nella primavera del
1966 per espletare le pratiche relative all’acquisto della Biblioteca Kahle.... 270
Maria Luisa Russo, The Rearrangement and Preservation of the Documentary
Heritage of Paul Ernst Kahle..................................................................... 273

Articles / Articoli
Helen R. Jacobus, Noah’s Flood Calendar (Gen 7:10-8:19) in the Septuagint.... 283
Paolo Sacchi, Il Patto di Gesù (Mc 14,22-24), Reimarus e l’origine del
cristianesimo.................................................................................................... 297
Giuseppe Veltri - Gianfranco Miletto, “... per esser buon Catolico Cristian,
è necessario esser perfettamente Ebreo”. Difesa inedita del senatore
veneziano Loredan in favore degli ebrei nel 1659/60, basata sul “Discorso”
di Simone Luzzatto........................................................................................... 307

NEWS / NOTIZIARIO.................................................................................... 328
Séminaire Qumrân de Paris 2013-2014 “Questions actuelles sur les manuscrits de
Qumrân et les littératures connexes” [Christophe Batsch], p. 328

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