Κυριακή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Τα δύο τελευταία τεύχη του HeBAI / The two recent issues of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 3:2 (2014)

John Kessler, "Prophetic Hope in the Late-Babylonian and Persian Periods: an Introduction," 155-162
Laurie E. Pearce, "Continuity and Normality in Sources Relating to the Judean Exile," 163-184
Risa Levitt Kohn, "'As Though You Yourself Came Out of Egypt': The Ethos of Exile in Ezekiel," 185-203 (abstract)
Christl M. Maier, "Prophetic Expectations and Aspirations in Late Babylonian and Early Persian Texts in Jeremiah," 204-224 (abstract)
Mark J. Boda, "Babylon in the Book of the Twelve,"  225-248
Willem A.M. Beuken, "Shifting Settings in (Post-)Exilic Prayer from the Hebrew to the Old Greek Text of Isaiah 26," 249-275 (abstract)
New Findings
Yuval Gadot, "Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Jerusalem's Southeastern Hill, Area D3," 279-292

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 3:3 (2014)
Molly M. Zahn, "Introduction: Perspectives on Editing in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism," 293-297
Molly M. Zahn, "'Editing' and the Composition of Scripture: The Significance of the Qumran Evidence," 298-316 (abstract)
Alexander Rofé, "Writing, Interpolating and Editing: 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21 as a Case Study," 317-326 (abstract)
Juha Pakkala, "Textual Development within Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts," 327-342 (abstract)

John Van Seters, "Editing the Bible: The Romantic Myths about Authors and Editors,"  343-354 (abstract)

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