Παρασκευή 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

2015 Hawarden “Old Testament in the New” Conference

The 2015 Hawarden Seminar is fast approaching and so it is with pleasure that I attach the programme and most up-to-date participants list. Please let me know if you are intending to come but your name does not appear on the list. There is still time to book (direct with Gladstone’s Library by telephone on +44 (0) 1244 532350; please also let me know by email) if you wish to join us.
Wednesday 25th March
8.00-9.00 – Piet Van Veldhuizen – Groups of 50 and 100 in Mark’s Feeding Narrative (Mark 6:30-44)
Thursday 26th March
9.00-9.55 – Susan Docherty – The Reception of Proverbs in Early Jewish and Christian Literature
10.00-10.45 – Arthur Keefer – Paul’s Use of Proverbs in Romans 3:15 – Anthropology, Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord
11.15- 12.00 – Jonathan Norton – When Exegesis is Not the Answer: Distinguishing Logic, Purpose and Rhetoric in Paul’s Letters
12.05-12.50 – Esau McCaulley – Two Eternal Witnesses: The Boulders at Mount Ebal and Habakkuk’s Tablet – Paul’s Use of Hab 2:4 and Deut 27:26 in Gal 3:10-11
4.30-5.20 – Joshua Coutts – Kept in the Shared Name: Exploring the Background(s) of Jn 17:11-12
5.25-6.15 – Kai Akagi – Light From Galilee: The Narrative Function of Isa 8:23-9:6 in Jn 8:12-13
8.00-9.00 – David Allen – The Use of the OT in the NT: Preparing for a Special Edition of JSNT –
Friday 27th March
9.00-9.55 – Bart Koet – Luke’s Representation of Paul as Interpreter of Scriptures in Acts
10.00 –10.50 – Jenny Read-Heimerdinger – James and Simeon (Acts 15:13-21): An Appeal to the Authority of Ecclesiasticus?
11.20-12.00 – Drake Williams- Considering Jewish Influence in Paul’s Exhortation of Imitation in 1 Corinthians
12.05-12.50 – Madison Pierce -The Akedah and Hebrews: The Identification of Jesus with a Patriarch

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