Τρίτη 27 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 133:4 (2014)

  • Guy Darshan, "The Origins of the Foundation Stories Genre in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Eastern Mediterranean," 689-709 (abstract)
  • Dominik Markl, "No Future without Moses: The Disastrous End of 2 Kings 22–25 and the Chance of the Moab Covenant (Deuteronomy 29–30)," 711-728 (abstract)  
  • David Z. Moster, "The Levite of Judges 17–18," 729-737 (abstract)
  • Zoltán Schwáb, "The Value of a Curious Translation: Revisiting Proverbs 2:5," 739-749 (abstract)
  • Eran Viezel, "סַנְסִנָּיו (sansinnāyw; Song of Songs 7:9) and the Palpal Noun Pattern," 751-756 (abstract)
  • Dalit Rom-Shiloni, "'How can you say, 'I am not defiled …'?' (Jeremiah 2:20–25): Allusions to Priestly Legal Traditions in the Poetry of Jeremiah," 757-775 (abstract)
  • Robin Waugh, "The Testament of Job as an Example of Profeminine Patience Literature,"  777-792 (abstract)
  • Mark Goodacre, "A Flaw in McIver and Carroll's Experiments to Determine Written Sources in the Gospels," 793-800 (abstract)
  • Paula Fredriksen, "Paul's Letter to the Romans, the Ten Commandments, and Pagan “Justification by Faith”," 801-808 (abstract)
  • James Ware, "Paul's Understanding of the Resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:36–54," 809-835 (abstract)

SBL Forum 

  • Françoise Mirguet, "Emotional Responses to the Pain of Others in Josephus's Rewritten Scriptures and the Testament of Zebulun: Between Power and Vulnerability," 838-857 (abstract)
  • Sarah Judith Pearce, "Pity and Emotion in Josephus's Reading of Joseph," 858-862 (abstract)
  • Donald Lateiner, "Pain and Pity in Two Postbiblical Responses to Joseph's Power in Genesis," 863-868 (abstract)
  • David Konstan, "The Varieties of Pity," 869-872

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