Σάββατο 31 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ELT / In the current issue of ETL

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 90:4 (2014)

  • Peter Rozic, "La signification théologique de la danse dans le contexte biblique: Créer des liens au cœur de l'Alliance," 667-683 (abstract
  • Bogdan G. Bucur, "Blinded by Invisible Light: Revisiting the Emmaus Story (Luke 24,13-35)," 685-707 (abstract)
  • Walter Dietrich, "The Books of Samuel: Stories - History - Reception History: Bericht über das Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense 2014," 731-742 (abstract)
  • Elijah Hixson, "'They Took the Body of God': John 19,40 in Codex Alexandrinus," 743-749 (abstract)
  • Aaron W. White, "Pauline Rhetoric Revisited: On the Meaning of κολλώμενος in the Context of 1 Cor 6,12-20," 751-759 (abstract)

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