Παρασκευή 23 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Birmingham Colloquium

Στο διάστημα 2-4 Μαρτίου 2015 θα λάβει χώρα το 9ο Birmingham Colloquium με τον τίτλο "The History and Text of New Testament Commentaries". Aκολουθεί το πρόγραμμα:  

Monday 2nd March

From 2pm:  Registration 
2.30pm   Welcome
2.45pm   Ronald Heine, “Origen’s Gospel Commentaries”
3.40pm   Carl J. Berglund, “Quotation practices in Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John: How dependable are his quotations of John, Paul and Heracleon?”
4.30pm  Christina Kreinecker, “The Biblical Text in Rufinus’ Translation of Origen’s Commentary on Romans”
5.00pm  Rory P. Crowley, “Justin’s Dialogue 88 and His Commentaries on the Baptism Material: Implications for the Variant Form of the Heavenly Voice in Luke 3:22”
5.30pm  Rosalind MacLachlan, “The Context of Commentary: Non-Biblical Commentaries in the Early Christian Period”

Tuesday 3 March

9.00am   Lukas J. Dorfbauer, “The Rediscovery of a Supposedly Lost Fourth-Century Work: Bishop Fortunatianus of Aquileia and his Commentary on the Gospels”
9.45am   Susan Griffith, “Sources and texts in Ambrose’s Commentary on Luke”
10.15am  Thomas O’Loughlin, “Capitula as commentary in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:1-7:28): the implicit exegesis in Latin division systems
11.15am  Shari Boodts & Gert Partoens, “The critical edition of Florus of Lyons’ Expositio epistolarum beati Pauli apostoli. State of the art and new results.”
11.45am   Maria Valeria Ingegno, “Patristic Sources for the Pauline Epistle Commentary of Gilbert de la Porée”
12.15pm   Alexander Andrée, “Peter Comestor and the Glossa 'ordinaria' on the Gospels”

Afternoon excursion to Worcester

Wednesday 4 March

9.00am   Gilles Dorival, “Biblical catenae”
10.00am  Klaus Wachtel, “Coherence and History: Commentary Manuscripts in Acts and the Catholic Letters”
10.30am  John Gram and Bruce Morrill, “Parsing Paul: Layout and Sampling Divisions in Pauline Commentaries”
12 noon  Will Lamb, “Catenae and the Art of Memory”
12.45pm  Dora Panella, “Jesus’ Post-resurrection appearances in 1Cor 15:5-8 and their interpretation in the catenae of Oecumenius, Theophylact and Zygabenus.”

2.15pm  Matthias Schulz, “Catena Manuscripts in the Coptic Tradition – An Overview”
2.45pm  Carol Downer, "A consideration of some texts from de Lagarde's Coptic Catena"
3.00pm  Carla Falluomini, “The citations of the Gothic New Testament in the Skeireins commentary”  
4.00pm  Garick V. Allen, “The Scholia in Apocalypsin: The Edition of P. Tzamalikos (2013) and Scriptural Interpretation in Manuscript 2351”
4.30pm  Agnès Lorrain, “Theodoret’s text of Romans”
5.00pm  Jan Krans “Romans in the Hands of Radical Commentators”
5.30pm  Concluding round table

7.00pm  Colloquium dinner with address by Prof. Gordon Campbell.

Booking continues to be open for a couple of weeks: please use the form which can be downloaded from:

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