Τετάρτη 21 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BibInt / The current issue of BibInt

Biblical Interpretation 23:1 (2015)

  • Stephen L. Young, "Protective Strategies and the Prestige of the “Academic”: A Religious Studies and Practice Theory Redescription of Evangelical Inerrantist Scholarship," 1-35 (abstract)
  • Anna Fisk, "Encounters in Feminist Revisioning
: Wrestling and Visitation
," 36-49 (abstract)
  • Dmitri Slivniak, "Creation – Loneliness – Incest – Death
: A Freudian/Derridean Reading of the Garden Story
," 60-77 (abstract)
  • Helen Efthimiadis-Keith, "Women, Jung and the Hebrew Bible
: An Evaluation of Jungian Interpretations of Hebrew Bible Texts by Way of the Book of Ruth
," 78-100 (abstract)
  • T. M. Lemos, "The Apotheosis of Rage
: Divine Anger and the Psychology of Israelite Trauma," 101-121 (abstract)

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