Πέμπτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του OTE / In the current issue of OTE

Old Testament Essays 27:3 (2014)

  • Gerrie Snyman, "Conflict and confrontation : engaging estrangement : editorial," 793-796 (abstract)
  • David Tuesday Adamo, "The poor in the book of Psalms and in Yoruba tradition," 795-815 (abstract)
  • Pierre Auffret, "Étude structurelle du Décalogue selon Ex 20, 2-17," 816-824 (abstract)
  • Shaul Bar, "Saul's wars against Moab, Ammon, Edom, and Zobah," 825-838 (abstract)
  • Jacobus De Bruyn / Pierre J. Jordaan, "Constructing realities : Bel and the Dragon - identifying some research lacunae," 839-859 (abstract)
  • Helen Efthimiadis-Keith, "Genealogy, retribution and identity : re-interpreting the cause of suffering in the book of Judith," 860-878 (abstract)
  • Elelwani B. Farisani, "Nyambedzano vhukati ha Bivhili ya Afrikana (Fortress, 2010) na Maambwa nga Bivhili ya Afrika (Zondervan, 2006) nga Esra-Nehemia / A dialogue between The Africana Bible (Fortress, 2010) and the Africa Bible Commentary (Zondervan, 2006) on Ezra-Nehemiah," 879-895 (abstract)
  • Risimati S. Hobyane, "The compositional/narrative structure of Judith : a Greimassian perspective," 896-912 (abstract)
  • Morne Malan / Esias E. Meyer, "Jeremiah 26-29 : a not so Deuteronomistic composition," 913-929 (abstract)
  • Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, "Gender perspectives in the Lord's Resistance Army in relation to the Old Testament," 930-944 (abstract)
  • Funlola Olojede, "Daniel 'more than a prophet'? Images, imagery, imagination, and the mashal in Daniel 2," 945-959 (abstract)
  • Aron Pinker, "The fate of undesirables (Job 24:5-12)," 960-991 (abstract)
  • C. Wynand Retief, "A messianic reading of Psalm 8," 992-1008 (abstract)
  • Temba Rugwiji, "Towards the quest for transforming Old Testament scholarship : the impact of political and socio-economic crises on scholarship in Zimbabwe," 1009-1034 (abstract)
  • Gerrie F. Snyman, "Esther and African biblical hermeneutics : a decolonial inquiry," 1035-1061 (abstract)
  • Dean R. Ulrich, "How early Judaism read Daniel 9:24-27," 1062-1083 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Kilchor / Beat Weber, ",,Unser Gott kommt ...!" (Ps 50,3): Psalm 50 und sein Setting im Lichte aufgenommener Überlieferungen," 1083-1111 (abstract)
  • Wendy L. Widder, "The court stories of Joseph (Gen 41) and Daniel (Dan 2) in canonical context : a theological paradigm for God's work among the nations," 1112-1128 (abstract)
  • Hans-Georg Wuench, "The stranger in God's land - foreigner, stranger, guest : what can we learn from Israel's attitude towards strangers?," 1129-1154 (abstract)

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