Σάββατο 1 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Filneot / The current issue of Filneot

Filologia neotestamentaria 25 (2012)

  • Stratton L. Ladewig, "Ancient witnesses on deponency in Greek," 3-20
  • Wim Hendriks, "eutheos beyond the temporal meaning," 21-35
  • Hughson T. Ong, "An evaluation of the Aramaic and Greek language criteria in historical Jesus research : a sociolinguistics study of Mark 14,32-65," 37-55
  • John Makujina, "'Till death do us part'? or the continuation of marriage in the Eschaton? : answering recent objections to the traditional reading of gameo-gamizo in the Synoptic Gospels," 57-74
  • Trent Rogers, "A syntactical analysis of oun in Papyrus 66," 75-99
  • Paul L. Danove, "The aiteo-aiteomai distinction in the New Testament : a proposal," 101-118
  • Josep  Rius-Camps /  Jenny Heimerdinger, "The variant readings of the western text of the Acts of the Apostles, 24, (Acts 17:1-18:23)," 119-160

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