Πέμπτη 2 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του RHPR / The current issue of RHPR

Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 94:3 (2014)

Simon Butticaz, "Paul et le judaïsme : des identités en construction," 253-273 
The relation between Paul and Judaism is in the course of being re-examined. The traditional interpretation of Paul’s letters, which identified a rupture between him and Israel and its national codes has been replaced, for a generation now, by a different way to consider the relations between Paul and the Jewish-biblical faith and traditions. To put it briefly, Paul as a renegade and traitor of Israel has been replaced by the « Rabbi of Tarsus » (Lapide) or the « good Jew » (Nanos). We owe this paradigm-shift in particular to the exegetical current called the New Perspective on Paul – a paradigm which is not without blinkers and blind spots : for instance, what do we make of the anti-Paulinism that broke out in his lifetime in the churches of Judea, blaming the apostle for teaching « apostasy from Moses » (Acts 21.21) ? – a history which should not be eclipsed by those who wish to discover in all their complexity the social identities which are constructed by Paul’s writings.

Timothée Minard, "Quatre logiciels pour l’exégèse biblique : Accordance, Bible Parser, Bibleworks et Logos," 303-318

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