Πέμπτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / The current issue of JSJ

Journal for the Study of Judaism 45:4/5 (2014)

  • Magnar Kartveit, "Samaritan Self-Consciousness in the First Half of the Second Century b.c.e. in Light of the Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim and Delos," 449-472 (abstract)
  • Hans Debel, "Anchoring Revelations in the Authority of Sinai: A Comparison of the Rewritings of “Scripture” in Jubilees and in the P stratum of Exodus," 471-492 (abstract)
  • John Curran, "Philorhomaioi: The Herods between Rome and Jerusalem," 493-522 (abstract)
  • David A. Friedman, "Josephus on the Servile Origins of the Jews," 523-550 (abstract)
  • Yishai Kiel, "Penitential Theology in East Late Antiquity: Talmudic, Zoroastrian, and East Christian Reflections," 551-583 (abstract)

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