Τετάρτη 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Svensk exegetisk årsbok / The current issue of Svensk exegetisk årsbok

Svensk exegetisk årsbok 79 (2014)

Exegetical Day 2013

  • Katherine E. Southwood, "‘But now … do not let all this hardship seem insignificant before you’: Ethnic History and Nehemiah 9"
  • Blaženka Scheuer, "Response to Katherine E. Southwood"
  • Denise Kimber Buell, "Challenges and Strategies for Speaking about Ethnicity in the New Testament and New Testament Studies"
  • James A. Kelhoffer, "Response to Denise Kimber Buell: A Plea for Clarity in Regard to Examining Ethnicity in, Based on, or in Scholarship on the New Testament"
  • Hans Leander, "Hybrid Jews/Judeans: Renarrating Ethnicity and Christian Origins in the Context of Empire"
  • Mikael Tellbe, "Response to Hans Leander: The Complexity of Ethnicity"

Other articles

  • Rikard Roitto, "Reintegrative Shaming and a Prayer Ritual of Reintegration in 
  • Matthew 18:15–20"
  • Tobias Hägerland, "Prophetic Forgiveness in Josephus and Mark"
  • Samuel Byrskog, "Birger Gerhardsson in memoriam"

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