Πέμπτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / In the current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 60:4 (2014)

  • Joel Marcus, "‘The Twelve Tribes in the Diaspora’ (James 1.1)," 433-447 (abstract)
  • Anthony Giambrone, "‘According to the Commandment’ (Did. 1.5): Lexical Reflections on Almsgiving as ‘The Commandment’," 248-265 (abstract)
  • Jean-René Moret, "‘Aucun prophète n'est propice dans sa propre patrie’ : la péricope de Nazareth," 266-274 (abstract)
  • James Ware, "The Resurrection of Jesus in the Pre-Pauline Formula of 1 Cor 15.3–5," 475-498 (abstract)
  • Joel R. White, "‘Peace’ and ‘Security’ (1 Thess 5.3): Roman Ideology and Greek Aspiration," 449-510 (abstract)
  • Korinna Zamfir, "Is the ekklēsia a Household (of God)? Reassessing the Notion of οἶκος θεοῦ in 1 Tim 3.15," 522-548 (abstract)

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