Δευτέρα 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JETS / The current issue of JETS

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 57:3 (2014)

  • Vern S. Poythress, "Dispensing with Merely Human Meaning: Gains and Losses from Focussing on the Human Author, Illustrated by Zephaniah 1:2–3"
  • Hendrik J. Koorevaar, "The Exile and Return Model: A Proposal for the Original Macrostructure of the Hebrew Canon" 
  • Nicholas P. Lunn, "'Raised on the Third Day Accordng to the Scriptures': Resurrection Typology in the Genesis Creation Narrative"
  • Matthew McAffee, "Covenant and the Warnings of Hebrews: the Blessing and the Curse" 
  • Elijah Hixson, "New Testamtent Textual Criticism in the Ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon" 

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