Δευτέρα 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 133:3 (2014)

  • Aaron D. Hornkohl, "Her Word versus His: Establishing the Underlying Text in 1 Samuel 1:23,"  465-478 (abstract)
  • Mika S. Pajunen, "4QPsx: A Collective Interpretation of Psalm 89:20-38," 479-496 (abstract)
  • Hector Avalos, "Nebuchadnezzar's Affliction: New Mesopotamian Parallels for Daniel 4," 497-508 (abstract)
  • Stuart A. Irvine, "Idols םנובתכ: A Note on Hosea 13:2a," 509-518 (abstract)
  • Jonathan M. Gibson, "Cutting Off "Kith and Kin," "Er and Onan"? Interpreting an Obscure Phrase in Malachi 2:12,"519-538 (abstract)
  • Katell Berthelot, "Reclaiming the Land (1 Maccabees 15:28-36): Hasmonean Discourse between Biblical Tradition and Seleucid Rhetoric," 539-560 (abstract)
  • Tucker S. Ferda, "Matthew's Titulus and Psalm 2's King on Mount Zion," 561-582 (abstract)
  • Adam Winn, "Resisting Honor: The Markan Secrecy Motif and Roman Political Ideology," 583-602 (abstract)
  • Toan Do, "Mόνον or μονῶν? Reading 1 John 2:2c from the Editio Critica Maior,"603-626 (abstract)
  • Blake E. Wassell, Stephen R. Llewelyn, ""Fishers of Humans," the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor, and Conceptual Blending Theory," 627-646 (abstract)
  • Adele Reinhartz, "The JBL Forum, an Occasional Exchange," 647 (abstract)
  • Serge Frolov, "The Death of Moses and the Fate of Source Criticism," 648-660 (abstract)
  • Philip Y. Yoo, "The Place of Deuteronomy 34 and Source Criticism: A Response to Serge Frolov," 661-668 (abstract)
  • Shawna Dolansky, "Deuteronomy 34: The Death of Moses, Not of Source Criticism," 669-676 (abstract)
  • David M. Carr, "Unified until Proven Disunified? Assumptions and Standards in Assessing the Literary Complexity of Ancient Biblical Texts," 677-681 (abstract)

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