Κυριακή 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Dunendin: Bible and Critical Theory Seminar

Bible and Critical Theory Seminar
10-11 Δεκεμβρίου 2014
Upper Room of the Governor’s, 438 George St, Dunedin

Wednesday 10 December 2014

9:30-9:40        Introduction

9:40-10:20      Linda Zampol D’Ortia, “Dize que se hazen efeminados”: Constructions of masculinity in the sixteenth century Jesuit mission to Japan

10:20-11:00      Elaine Wainwright, A Queer[y]ing of the Matthean Sermon on the Mount

11:00-11:20      Morning Tea

11:20-12:00      James Harding, Gender, Intertextuality and Male Friendship in Sirach

12:00-1:30        Lunch at the Governor’s

1:30-2:10      Judith McKinlay, “Whose is the Land (2 Sam 3: 12)?” Questioning the Questions Underlying David’s Killings at Gibeah (2 Sam 21: 1-14) and Te Kooti’s at Matawhero

2:10-2:50          Deane Galbraith, Why is Historical Criticism so Racist? A Case Study

2:50-3:20          Afternoon Tea

3:20-4:00          Nikki Aaron, Speaking about Sex to Neo-abolitionists

Drinks and Dinner

Thursday 11 December 2014

9:30-10:10        Joanna Osborne, Encountering the Bible through Hotere’s Song of Solomon

10:10-10:50      Moana Hall, Developing a Maori woman’s reading “tool” for interpreting biblical text

10:50-11:20      Morning Tea

11:20-12:00      Roland Boer, Towards a Materialist Doctrine of Evil

12:00-1:30        Lunch at the Governor’s

1:30-2:10          Kevin Sarlow, Irony Theory, Biblical Studies and Derrida

2:10-2:50          Timothy Stanley, Grammatology’s Empty Gesture: On Derrida’s Unanswered Questions Concerning Religion and Technology

2:50-3:20          Afternoon Tea

3:20-4:00          Anne Taylor, Why did “the Jews” choose Barabbas?

Drinks and Dinner

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