Τετάρτη 6 Αυγούστου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του VT / In the current issue of VT

Vetus Testamentum 64:3 (2014)
  • Hand Debel, "Stones of Contention?!," (abstract)
  • John Burnight, "A New Interpretation and Translation of Job 5:5," (abstract)
  • Nissim Amzallag, "The Cosmopolitan Character of the Korahite Musical Congregation: Evidence from Psalm 87," 361-381 (abstract)
  • Joshua Berman, "What does the Ox Know in Isa 1:3a?," 382-388 (abstract)
  • Edward J. Bridge, "A Mother’s Influence: Mothers Naming Children in the Hebrew Bible," 389-400 (abstract)
  • Bonifatia Gesche, "Die älteste lateinische Übersetzung des Buches Esdras A—eine neue Entdeckung," 401-415 (abstract)
  • Jože Krašovec, "Justification of God in His Word in Ps 51:6 and Rom 3:4," 416-433 (abstract)
  • Judith Krawelitzki, "God the Almighty? Observations in the Psalms," 434-444 (abstract)
  • Michael P. Maier, "Festbankett oder Henkersmahl? Die zwei Gesichter von Jes 25:6-8," 445-464 (abstract)
  • Nathan Mastnjak, "Judah’s Covenant with Assyria in Isaiah 28," 465-483 (abstract)
  • Hermann-Josef Stipp, "Legenden der Jeremia-Exegese (I): Das eschatologische Schema im alexandrinischen Jeremiabuch," 485-501 (abstract)
  • Terrance Randall Wardlaw, "The Meaning of ברא in Genesis 1:1-2:3," 502-513 (abstract)
  • Gareth J. Wearne, "Habakkuk 3:10-11: In Defence of a Masoretic Unit Division," 515-518 (abstract)

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