Παρασκευή 22 Αυγούστου 2014

Targumim και παραδόσεις της εποχής του Δεύτερου Ναού / Targumim and Second Temple traditions

Κυκλοφόρησε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Brill ένας συλλογικός τόμος με θέμα τα targumim της εποχής του Δεύτερου Ναού και τις παραδόσεις που συνδέονται με αυτά.

Thierry Legrand / Jan Joosten (επιμ.), The Targums in the Light of Traditions of the Second Temple Period (JSJ. Suppl. 167), Brill, Leiden 2014
ISBN:  9789004269545

Although the Jewish Targums were written down only from the second century CE onward, and need to be studied against their Late Antique background, the issue of their connection to earlier sources and traditions is an important one. Do the existing Targums link up with an oral translation of Scripture and, if so, how far does it go back? Do the Targums transmit traditional exegetical material in a distinct form? What is the relation between the Targums and "parabiblical" literature of the Second Temple period (including the New Testament)?
In the present volume, these and other questions are studied and debated by an international group of scholars including some of the best specialists of Targumic literature in all its diversity, as well as specialists of various Second Temple writings.

  • Introduction, Thierry Legrand & Jan Joosten
  • Ingo Kottsieper, "Das Aramäische als Schriftsprache und die Entwicklung der Targume"
  • Jan Joosten, "Des targumismes dans la Septante?"
  • Beate Ego, "Retelling the Story of Esther in Targum Sheni in Light of Septuagint Traditions – Main Outlines"
  • Christophe Bonnard, "Targums samaritains et traditions du Second Temple"

  • Robert Hayward, "God as father in the Pentateuchal Targumim: The case of Abraham’s garden at Be’er Sheba"
  • Claude Tassin, "Zabulon et Nephtali dans le Targum: un éclairage de Mt 4,13-16?"
  • Willem F. Smelik, "The Lost Tomb of Moses Revisited: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan on Deut. 34.5-6"
  • Innocent Himbaza, "Le Targum Pseudo-Jonathan témoin de son époque et de celle du Second Temple"

  • Michael Langlois, "Malheur à qui donne la couronne à l’orgueilleux! Les targums et la critique du pouvoir à l’époque du Second Temple"
  • Thierry Legrand, "Miracles, événements spectaculaires dans le Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: quelques échos de la littérature du Second Temple"

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