Τρίτη 12 Αυγούστου 2014

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Religion and Theology / In the current issue of Religion and Theology

Religion and Theology 21: 1/2 (2014)

  • William “Chip” Gruen, "Contested Spaces and Contested Meanings in the Acts of Thomas," 219-233 (abstract)
  • Gerhard van den Heever, "Spatialising Practices: Theory, Text, Practice Towards a Redescriptive Companion to Graeco-Roman Antiquity – A Response," 234-258 (abstract)
  • Gerhard van den Heever, "Introduction: Paul, Founder of Churches. Cult Foundations and the Comparative Study of Cult Origins," 259-283 (abstract)
  • Vaia Touna, "Paul and the “Tradition” of the Founder-Figures: A Response to James C. Hanges, Paul, Founder of Churches, 2011," 284-291 (abstract)
  • Heidi Wendt, "James C. Hanges, Paul, Founder of Churches: A Study in Light of the Evidence for the Role of “Founder-Figures” in the Hellenistic-Roman Period. A Review Essay," 292-302 (abstract)
  • Chris L. de Wet, "John Chrysostom on Paul as Founder of Churches," 303-315 (abstract)
  • James Constantine Hanges, "Reflections and Projections on a Continuing Discussion: Redescribing Paul in His Social World," 316-330 (abstract)
  • James Constantine Hanges, "'Severing the Joints and the Marrow': The Double-Edged Sword of Comparison," 331-344 (abstract)
  • Daniel R. Miller, "Is There Anything New under the (Mediterranean) Sun? Expressions of Near Eastern Deities in the Graeco-Roman World," 345-370 (abstract)

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