Παρασκευή 29 Αυγούστου 2014

RBL 28.8.2014

Scott A. Ashmon, Birth Annunciations in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East: A Literary Analysis of the Forms and Functions of the Heavenly Foretelling of the Destiny of a Special Child
Reviewed by Paola Mollo

Matthew W. Bates, The Hermeneutics of the Apostolic Proclamation: The Center of Paul’s Method of Scriptural Interpretation
Reviewed by Robert B. Foster

Gareth Lee Cockerill, The Epistle to the Hebrews
Reviewed by Gabriella Gelardini
Reviewed by Kevin B. McCruden

Dean B. Deppe, All Roads Lead to the Text: Eight Methods of Inquiry into the Bible
Reviewed by Nijay Gupta

Timo Nisula, Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence
Reviewed by Anthony Dupont

Dennis Pardee, The Ugaritic Texts and the Origins of West-Semitic Literary Composition: The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 2007
Reviewed by Jeremy M. Hutton

Ryan S. Schellenberg, Rethinking Paul’s Rhetorical Education: Comparative Rhetoric and 2 Corinthians 10–13
Reviewed by Fredrick J. Long
Reviewed by Duane F. Watson

Samuel Vollenweider and Eva Ebel, eds., Wahrheit und Geschichte: Exegetische und hermeneutische Studien zu einer dialektischen Konstellation
Reviewed by Mark W. Elliott

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