Σάββατο 2 Αυγούστου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / In the current issue of JSJ

Journal for the Study of Judaism 45:3 (2014)
  • Hans Debel, "Anchoring Revelations in the Authority of Sinai: A Comparison of the Rewritings of “Scripture” in Jubilees and in the P stratum of Exodus," (abstract)
  • Yishai Kiel, "Penitential Theology in East Late Antiquity: Talmudic, Zoroastrian, and East Christian Reflections," (abstract)
  • Magnar Kartveit, "Samaritan Self-Consciousness in the First Half of the Second Century B.C.E. in Light of the Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim and Delos," (abstract)
  • Anna Krautbauer / Stephen Llewelyn / Blake Wassell, "A Gift of One Eunuch and Four Slave Boys: P.Cair.Zen. I 59076 and Historical Construction," 305-325 (abstract)
  • Fernando Bermejo-Rubio, "Was the Hypothetical Vorlage of the Testimonium Flavianum a “Neutral” Text? Challenging the Common Wisdom on Antiquitates Judaicae 18.63-64," 326-365 (abstract)
  • Peter-Ben Smit, "Reaching for the Tree of Life: The Role of Eating, Drinking, Fasting, and Symbolic Foodstuffs in 4 Ezra," 366-387 (abstract)

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