Δευτέρα 11 Αυγούστου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSCS / In the current issue of JSCS

Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 47 (2014)

  • Barbara Schmitz, "κύριος συντρίβων πολέμους 'The Lord who shatters wars' (Exod 15:3LXX). The formative importance of the Song of the Sea (Exod 15:1-18LXX) for the Book of Judith," 5-16
  • Leonard J. Greenspoon / H.G.M. Williamson / Florian Wilk / Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa / Ronald L. Troxel, /  J. Ross Wagner, "Intepreting the Sealed Book," 17-47
  • "The word diaita in LXX Job," 48-58
  • Patrick Pouchelle, "One the use of pepaideumenos in Greek Sirach," 59-68
  • Anthony J. Forte, "Veteris Latinae Ecclesiastici: Apologia pro interprete latino," 69-92
  • Reinhart Ceulemans, "Le texte de la Septante, l'edition de Gottingen et La Bible d'Alexandrie," 93-110


  • Benedicte Lemmelijn, "Reason to Celebrate: 25 Years of the Louvain Centre for Septuagint Studies and Textual Criticism," 111

Special Review

  • Abram Kielsmeier-Jones, "Bible Software for Septuagint Studies: A Comparison of Accordance 10, BibleWorks 9, and Logos 5," 112-127

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