Δευτέρα 18 Αυγούστου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του EC / In the current issue of EC

Early Christianity 5:1 (2014)


  • Simon Gathercole, "The Pastoral Epistles," 1-3
  • Michael Theobald, "Glauben statt Grübeln. Zum Anti-Intellektualismus der Pastoralbriefe," 5-34 (abstract)
  • Meira Z. Kensky, "Timothy and 'Timothy': Crisis Management, Church Maintenance," 35-67 (abstract)
  • Jens Herzer, "Was ist falsch an der "fälschlich so genannten Gnosis"?," 68-96 (abstract)
  • Lyn Kidson, "1 Timothy: An Administrative Letter," 97-116 (abstract)
  • Harald Buchinger and Elisabeth Hernitscheck, "P. Oxy 840 and the Rites of Christian Initiation: Dating a piece of alleged anti-sacramentalistic polemics," 117-124 (abstract)
New Discoveries
  • Richard Baukham, "Apocalypses and Prophetic Works in Volume 1 of the New Pseudepigrapha," 127-138 

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