Σάββατο 9 Αυγούστου 2014

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / In the current issue of CBQ

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 76:3 (2014)

  • Andrew R. Davis, "Hidden treasure in Job 14:1," 421-435
  • Paul L. Redditt, "Prophecy and the monarchy in Haggai and Zechariah," 436-449
  • Francis M. Macatangay, "Election by allusion : Exodus themes in the book of Tobit," 450-463
  • Andrés García Serrano, "Anna's characterization in Luke 2:36-38 : a case of conceptual allusion?," 464-480
  • Alicia D. Myers, "'In the Father's bosom' : breastfeeding and identity formation in John's gospel," 481-497
  • Timothy M. Milinovich, "Memory and hope in the midst of chaos : reconsidering the structure of 1 Thessalonians," 498-518

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