Παρασκευή 29 Αυγούστου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblical Interpretation / In the current issue of Biblical Interpretation

Biblical Interpretation 22:4/5 (2014)

  • Jennifer L. Koosed / Stephen D. Moore, "Introduction: From Affect to Exegesis
," 381-387 (abstract)
  • Jennifer Knust, "Who’s Afraid of Canaan’s Curse?
 Genesis 9:18–29 and the Challenge of Reparative Reading
," 388-413 (abstract)
  • Jennifer L. Koosed, "Moses: The Face of Fear
," 414-429 (abstract)
  • Amy C. Cottrill, "A Reading of Ehud and Jael through the Lens 
of Affect Theory
," 430-449 (abstract)
  • Alexis G. Waller, "Violent Spectacles and Public Feelings
: Trauma and Affect in The Gospel of Mark and The Thunder: Perfect Mind," 450-472 (abstract)
  • Maia Kotrosits, "Seeing is Feeling
: Revelation’s Enthroned Lamb and Ancient Visual Affects
," 473-502 (abstract)
  • Stephen D. Moore, "Retching on Rome: Vomitous Loathing and Visceral Disgust in Affect Theory and the Apocalypse of John
," 503-528 (abstract)

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