Δευτέρα 21 Ιουλίου 2014

To τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / In the current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 125:2 (2014):

  • Annette Schellenberg, "More than Spirit. On the Physical Dimension in the Priestly Understanding of Holiness," 163-179 (abstract)
  • Benjamin D. Gordon, "The Misunderstood Redemption Fee in the Holiness Legislation on Dedications (Lev 27)," 180-192 (abstract)
  • Omer Sergi, "Foreign Women and the Early Kings of Judah. Shedding Light on the Historiographic Perception of the Author of Kings," 193-207 (abstract)
  • Mark Leuchter, "The Medium and the Message, or, what is »Deuteronomistic« about the Book of Jeremiah?," 208-227 (abstract)
  • Mark E. Biddle, "The Redaction of Jeremiah 39–41 [46–48 LXX]. A Prophetic Endorsement of Nehemiah?," 228-242 (abstract)
  • Wolfgang Schütte, "Die Michaschrift und Israels Exil in Juda," 243-260 (abstract)
  • Valérie Kabergs, "Lovely Wordplay in Canticles 8,6a," 261-264 (abstract)

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