Δευτέρα 14 Ιουλίου 2014

RBL 14.7.2014

Thomas L. Brodie, Beyond the Quest for the Historical Jesus: Memoir of a Discovery
Reviewed by Benjamin I. Simpson

Richard J. Clifford, Wisdom  
Reviewed by Lawrence M. Wills

David J. A. Clines and J. Cheryl Exum, eds., The Reception of the Hebrew Bible in the Septuagint and the New Testament: Essays in Memory of Aileen Guilding
Reviewed by Benjamin J. M. Johnson 

Joan E. Cook, Genesis  
Reviewed by Jonathan L. Huddleston

Avraham Faust, Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period: The Archaeology of Desolation
Reviewed by Gert T. M. Prinsloo

James E. Harding, The Love of David and Jonathan: Ideology, Text, Reception
Reviewed by Katherine Low

Charles E. Hill and Michael J. Kruger, eds., The Early Text of the New Testament
Reviewed by Amy M. Donaldson 

Irene Nowell, Numbers
Reviewed by Timothy R. Ashley

Naomi Steinberg, The World of the Child in the Hebrew Bible
Reviewed by Karin Finsterbusch

Joshua Marshall Strahan, The Limits of a Text: Luke 23:34a as a Case Study in Theological Interpretation
Reviewed by Claire Clivaz

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