Τετάρτη 23 Ιουλίου 2014

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / In the current issue of BTB

Biblical Theology Bulletin 44:3 (2014)

David M. Bossman, "When is a Canon not a Canon?," 122

Karen Wenell, "A Markan “Context” Kingdom? Examining Biblical and Social Models in Spatial Interpretation,"  123-132 (abstract)

Kyu Seop Kim, "Another Look at Adoption in Romans 8:15 in Light of Roman Social Practices and Legal Rules," 133-143 (abstract)

Werner H. Kelber, "Orality and Literacy in Early Christianity," 144-155 (abstract)

John Kloppenborg, "Gospel Parallels/Parallel Gospels,"  156-161 (abstract)

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