Τετάρτη 7 Μαΐου 2014

Το τρέχον τεύχος του EC / In the current issue of EC

Early Christianity 4:4 (2013):
  • John G. Cook, "John 19:17 and the man on the patibulum in the Arieti tomb," 427-453
  • Eliezer Gonzalez, "The Christian cult of the dead in early third century North Africa : literary evidence and material contexts," 454-473
  • Christoph Markschies, "Eusebius liest die Apostelgeschichte : zur Stellung der Apostelgeschichte in der frühchristlichen Geschichtsschreibung," 474-489
  • Luis Menéndez Antuña,"Male-bonding, female vanishing : representing gendered authority in Luke 23:26 - 24:53", 490-506
  • Christfried Böttrich, "The angel of Tartarus and the supposed Coptic fragments of 2 Enoch," 509-521: 

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