Παρασκευή 23 Μαΐου 2014

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Bible Translator / In the current issue of Bible Translator

The Bible Translator 65:1 (2014)

  • David Bell, "
  • An “Exceeding Faire” Baby in the King James Bible: A New Testament Greek Example of a Hebrew Elohim Superlative," 3-11 (abstarct)

  • Aron Pinker, "
  • On the Meaning of כלח in Job 5.26 and 30.2," 12-23

  • Benjamin Scolnic, "
  • Antiochus IV as the Man Who Will Overflow the Flood and Break Its Arms (Daniel 11.22),"  24-33

  • Ming Him Ko, "
  • Be Faithful to the Covenant: A Technical Translation of and Commentary on Malachi 2.10-16,"  34-48

  • Bruk A. Asale, "
  • A Millennium Translation Based on the Geʿez and LXX: A New Bible Translation in the Ethiopian Church and Its Controversy,"  49-73

  • Robert P. Miller, "
  • Whatever Must Be, Must Be: Translating the Imperative in Luke 7.7," 74-76

  • Richard K. Moore, "
  • The Case for Bible Translation, Viewed in Historical Perspective," 77-87

  • Kenneth Nehrbass, ῾῾
  • Do Multilingual Speakers Understand the Bible Best in Their Heart Language? A Tool for Comparing Comprehension of Translations in Vernacular Languages and Languages of Wider Communication," 88-103

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