Πέμπτη 23 Ιανουαρίου 2014

EABS/ SBL Vienna 2014 - CFP: Graeco-Roman Society and the New Testament


Description of the Group 

The research group focuses a) on various aspects of the social life of the Graeco-Roman world (e.g. household networks and religion, kinship, friendship and other relationships, slavery, prostitution, social and geographical mobility, social groups, everyday life in Graeco-Roman cities etc.) that consist part of the socio-historical context of the New Testament texts and could therefore provide insight into them, and b) on artifacts from the Graeco-Roman world (e.g. inscriptions, papyri and archeological findings) that can shed light to various aspects of the New Testament texts and events. Papers that present interdisciplinary approaches to the topics under discussion and offer new insights and fresh interpretations of New Testament texts placing them within their socio-historical context are welcome.


In 2014 there will be a joint conference of the EABS with the ISBL in Vienna, Austria (July 6-10). All paper proposals will be submitted on the SBL conference pageor on EABS webpage.
For any inquiries you can contact the group co-ordinators Ekaterini Tsalampouni (etsala@past.auth.gr) or Birgit van der Lans (b.e.a.l.van.der.lans@rug.nl). 

Two sessions are scheduled for the meeting in Vienna:
 • an open session where papers on any topic within the range of the interests of the research group are welcome.
 • a session focused on “Papyri and the New Testament”. Since Vienna’s Department of Papyri houses one of the largest papyrus collections of the world, a special session is devoted to insights offered by Greek, Coptic and Latin papyri and ostraca into the religious, social and political context of Christians and Jews in the first centuries CE. We welcome papers that deal with private letters, administrative and legal documents, religion and magic; as well as papyrological evidence for the development of authoritative scripture: text collections, scribes, copyists and literacy.

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