Πέμπτη 30 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Conference: "Emotions in Prayer during the Second Temple Period"

H International Society for Deutero-Canonical Literature και το Πανεπιστήμιο της Haifa (Faculty of Humanities) διοργανώνουν το ετήσιο συνέδριό τους στην Haifa:

"Emotions in Prayer during the Second Temple Period"

International Society for Deutero-Canonical Literature
2014 Conference at the University of Haifa
Κυριακή 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
(Offer Observatory, floor 30, Eshkol Tower)

19:30 Chair: Jonathan Ben-Dov

Address of welcome

- Zohar Segev, Chair, Department of Bible and Jewish History,
University of Haifa
- President of the ISDCL, Renate Egger-Wenzel (University of Salzburg)
- Jonathan Ben-Dov, Wise Chair of Judaism in Antiquity, University of Haifa

Opening lecture: Stefan Reif (University of Cambridge): The Place of
Prayer in the Second Temple period
Monday 3 February (Ofer Observatory, Fllor 30, Eshkol Tower)

Chair: Eileen Schuller

09:00-09:35 Christine Abart (University of Salzburg): Moments of Joy
and Lasting Happiness. Examples from the Psalms

09:35-10:10 Beate Ego (University of Bochum): Prayer and Emotion in
the Esther Traditions

10:10-10:45 Barbara Schmitz (University of Würzburg): Judith and
Holofernes. An Analysis of the Killing Scene (Jdt 12:10-13:9)

10:45-11:00 Break

Chair: Oda Wischmeyer

11:00-11:35 Renate Egger-Wenzel (University of Salzburg): Sarah's
Grief to Death (Tob 3:7-17)

11:35-12:10 Núria Calduch-Benages (Gregorian University, Rome):
Emotions in the Prayer of Sir 22,27-23,6

12:10-13:45 Lunch for participants only

Chair: Kristin De Troyer

13:45-14:20 Dalia Marx (Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem) The Prayer of
Susanna (Dan 13)

14:20-14:55 Thomas R. Elßner (Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule
Vallendar): Baruch's Prayer Anthology

14:55-15:15 Break

Chair: Beate Ego
15:15-15:50 Markus Witte (Humboldt University, Berlin): Emotions in
Prayers in the Wisdom of Solomon

15:50-16:25 Michael Duggan (St Mary's University, Calgary): Emotions
that Produce Life and Death in 1 Maccabees

16:25-17:00 Friedrich Reiterer (University of Salzburg): Aspects of
Prayers in 2 Maccabees

17:00 Tour of Haifa University

18:00 Dinner for participants only

19:30 Reception: 40th Anniversary of the Genizah Research Unit at
Cambridge University Library (Ofer Observatory, Floor 30)

Chair: Moshe Lavee

Greetings: Prof. Michal Yerushalmi, Vice President of Research,
University of Haifa
Panel: Mordechai A. Friedman, Ben Outhwaite, Efraim Lev, Stefan Reif

Tuesday 4 February (Ofer Observatory, floor 30)

Chair: Friedrich Reiterer

09:00-09:35 Ursula Schattner-Rieser (University of Innsbruck):
Emotions and Expressions of Emotions in Aramaic Prayers from Qumran

09:35-10:10 Jonathan Ben-Dov (University of Haifa): Writing, Speech,
Language: the Media of Prayer in 1 Enoch

10:10-10:45 Avigdor Shinan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Abraham's
Prayer in the Genesis Apocryphon

10:45-11:00 Break

Chair: Avigdor Shinan

11:00-11:35 Liora Goldman (University of Haifa): The Prayers in the
Apocryphon of Moses from Qumran

11:35-12:10 Eileen Schuller (McMaster University, Canada): The Emotion
of Shame in the Hodayot: Sin and the Human Condition

12:10-14:00 Lunch  for participants only

Chair: Markus Witte

14:00-14:35 Angela Kim Harkins (Fairfield University, Connecticut):
The Strategic Arousal of Emotions in the Qumran Hodayot

14:35-15:10 Kristin De Troyer (University of St Andrews, Scotland):
Sounding Trumpets or Weeping? Responses to the Start of the Temple
Building in 1(3) Esdras

15:10-16:30 Visit to Hecht Museum

Chair: Renate Egger-Wenzel

16:30-17:05 Michael Segal (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Prayers
and their Antecedents in the Book of Jubilees

17:05-17:40 Simone Paganini (University of Aachen): Correcting the
Narrative. Emotions in the Prayer of Moses (Jub 1,19-21)

17:40-18:15 Oda Wischmeyer (University of Erlangen): Prayer and
Emotion in Mark 14:32-42 and Related Texts

Wednesday 5. February (Rabin Observatory)

Chair: Stefan Reif

09:00-09:35 Eve-Marie Becker (University of Århus): Krazein and the
Concept of 'emotional prayer' in Earliest Christianity: Acts 7:60 in
its Context

09:35-10:10 Moshe Lavee (University of Haifa): From Devotion to
Legislation: Family and Property of Converts in the Prayer of Asenath
and Rabbinic Literature

10:10-10:45 Asaf Gayer (University of Haifa): The "Hymn of the Maskil"
in the Community Rule: Centrality of Prayer and Stability of Trust

10:45-11:00 Break

11:00-11:35 Editorial Meeting

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